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What is Isobars?

  Atoms of chemical elements having same atomic mass but a different atomic number are called Isobars. The sum of the number of protons and neutrons together form the atomic mass. Therefore, we can also say the number of nucleons present in the nucleus is equal to the atomic mass of an atom. It will have the same number of nucleons. The number of protons and neutrons alone will vary but the number of nucleons or the sum of protons and neutrons in isobars will always be same. Isobars always have different atomic structure because of the difference in atomic numbers. The number of neutrons makes up the difference in the number of nucleons. Therefore, they are always different chemical elements having same atomic masses. Thus, isobar has different chemical properties. For example : Iron and nickel have atomic number 26 and 28 respectively. However, the mass number is 58. Argon and calcium with atomic number 18 and 20, respectively. However, they have the same atomic mass 40.
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A form of a chemical element in which the atoms have the same number of protons (part of the nucleus of an atom) but with a different number of neutrons.  For example : Carbon 12, Carbon 13, and Carbon 14 are isotopes of carbon.

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Give some examples of rancidity and some precautions also.

example of rancidity Some examples of rancidity are - Food when exposed to atmospheric air for a long duration becomes rancid. Butter changes its taste and smell when kept in an open atmosphere for a longer duration. Some precaution to prevent rancidity : Food should be kept in sealed containers. Food that needs to be refrigerated. Foods containing fat and oil can be packaged in nitrogen gas to prevent rancidity. To avoid rancidity, food should be stored away from light. Antioxidants can be added to food.

What is rancidity?

The oxidation of oils or fats in food resulting in a bad taste and smell is called rancidity.  OR It is a condition in which aerial oxidation of unsaturated fat present in food gives it an unpleasant flavour and odour. Rancidity makes food undesirable for consumption. This process is also called rancidification.

How would you distinguish between baking powder and washing soda by heating?

Answer :  Baking soda (NaHCO 3 ) liberates carbon dioxide gas on heating, confirmed by passing it in lime water. Whereas on heating washing soda Na 2 CO 3 .10H 2 O water of crystallisation is given out, the salt becomes anhydrous. Reaction: 2NaHCO 3  → Na 2 CO 3  + H 2 O + CO 2 Na 2 CO 3 .10H 2 O → Na 2 CO 3  + 10 H 2 O